Slik PBH-45LP Tripod Ball-Head Review

Slik PBH-45LP Tripod Ball-Head Review All sample photos and product shots of this review were captured by Christophe Anagnostopoulos unless otherwise noted. February 01, 2023 -> Full Review was published. *** *** Intro I find it very interesting that although I daily use a ball-head for my work the last decade, many times more than one or two at the same time,

2023-02-01T20:25:58+02:00February 1st, 2023|

HOYA HD Square Filter System Review

HOYA HD Square Filter System Review All sample photos and product shots of this review were captured by Christophe Anagnostopoulos unless otherwise noted. November 5, 2022 -> Full Review was published. *** *** Intro I have mentioned it many times on my reviews and articles that I’m not only a big fan of filters, but filters are also a crucial tool for

2023-01-22T16:03:32+02:00November 5th, 2022|

From a Thought, to a Photograph

From A Thought, to A Photograph May 26, 2021 -> Article was published. *** *** Intro The first thing I always say to the participants of my workshops is to always spend enough time in preparation. I strongly believe that in order to make a good photo, no matter the genre, you have to be prepared as best as you can. Preparation for

2024-11-24T11:36:53+02:00May 26th, 2021|


HOYA STARSCAPE Light Pollution Cut Filter Review *The Review was updated in 2020-10-19 with new data and photos/videos.* *** ***     Intro For some photographers, filters are not required for astrophotography or night photography in general. In general someone can say that this partially true, with the exception of Light Pollution Filters. Light pollution filters were well known for astronomers and deep

2023-01-22T16:14:47+02:00October 19th, 2020|
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