Tokina Opera 50mm – A Review from A Portrait Side

Tokina Opera 50mm – A Review from A Portrait Side UPDATE 2019-05-15 -> Adobe just released a lens profile for Opera 50mm F/1.4 in the latest update of May 2019 (LR Classic 8.3 / Camera Raw 11.3) Very often lately, and especially during my workshops and my photography lessons, many students ask me “What is my favorite focal length to use”. I always

2019-05-15T07:49:50+02:00November 29th, 2018|

Cinetics Lynx 3 Axis & Timelapse+ View Ramping Test

A small behind the scenes sequence of a ramping test. I used the Cinetics Lynx 3 axis motion control system along with the Timelapse+ View Controller. My goal was to synchronize both devices via the AUX2 port. For this test the interval was fixed at 16 seconds and I used a Shutter - Exposure - ISO ramping on the View. The camera on the motion

2018-11-14T10:57:51+02:00November 14th, 2018|

While in Cologne

While I was walking and seeing the city of Cologne this September during Photokina 2018 I crossed one of the many bridges above Rhine river while the sun was setting and decided to play with shadows. It has been quite some time that I took a picture for myself and not for a specific reason or for a project. By the way, this bridge provides

2018-11-08T23:47:33+02:00November 8th, 2018|
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