Tokina Firin 20mm F/2 AF Review

Tokina FiRIN 20mm F2 AF Review Optical Design Graphs of this review were taken from the official Tokina website ( All other material (photos & videos) of this review were captured by Christophe Anagnostopoulos. *June 23, 2018 -> First Impressions Mini Review was published. **May 15, 2019 -> Adobe released a lens profile for FiRIN 20mm AF in the May 2019 update of

2023-01-22T16:14:27+02:00October 23rd, 2020|

Deepness Dawn, a Reboot

The night sky is always magical! The experience of seeing the galactic core with your naked eyes is so amazing. In this image, the viewer can see many celestial objects, like the bright Jupiter on the left and the faint Saturn on the far left. On the right is the bright Antares on the colorful Rho Ophiuchi region, while in the middle the viewer

2020-05-25T16:55:43+02:00May 25th, 2020|

Shadows Of Opera

Just a few months ago, as I was preparing the details for a new portrait project that I wanted to make, I needed a new premium lens, capable of resolving the power of the high quality sensor of my camera to create the project, and nearly at that time Tokina announced the new Opera 50mm F/1.4 premium lens and as you understand, I was

2019-05-15T07:44:12+02:00October 9th, 2018|

Photokina 2018 Talk Shows

I’m very happy to announce that from September 26 to September 29 I will be hosting three (3) daily talk shows about my personal experience of using Tokina lenses and filters on Kenko Tokina Booth on Photokina ! See you there ! Booth Location Hall 5.2. D-020 / E-29  

2018-09-13T10:19:51+02:00September 13th, 2018|

3rd Astrophotography & Timelapse Workshop, August 2018, Antiparos, Greece

Image Details -> Nikon D850, 50mm @ f/1.4, 8 seconds exposure,  ISO 400 This was the last Astrophotography Workshop for Summer 2018, and despite the strong wind and the small temperature drop of the last days, during the 1st night of photo shooting, the participants learned how to find the Milky Way Galaxy Core, how to identify constellations and stars on the night sky and how

2018-08-14T19:49:51+02:00August 14th, 2018|
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