Kenko Instant Action Close-Up Filters Review

Kenko Instant Action Close-Up Filters Review All photos of this review were captured by Christophe Anagnostopoulos. September 14, 2021 -> Review was published. *** *** Intro Back in the end of May 2021, I posted the review of one of the most simple yet so revolutionary ideas of the last years, regarding the use of filters. I'm talking of course about the

2023-01-22T16:07:34+02:00September 14th, 2021|

Kenko MC Twilight Red & Blue Filters Mini Review

Kenko MC Twilight Red & Blue Filters All photos of this review were captured by Christophe Anagnostopoulos. August 13, 2021 -> Mini Review was published. *** *** Intro - A Small Talk About Filters Photographic filters are an amazing tool in the hands of a photographer. Not only they can help control the available light in the most simple way, but they

2023-01-22T16:09:16+02:00August 13th, 2021|
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